Friday, March 25, 2011

critique 2

                In this Photograph of Anthony Robles from Arizona State University versus Kyle Maynard of the University of Georgia, Anthony is setting up his patented single leg shot. Through the use of shot angle, and focus the photographer was able to capture Anthony in his amazing act of one-legged wrestling.
            With Anthony’s vice like grip he holds Maynard in a venerable position for his shot.   Anthony is gearing up to drive into the Georgia grappler’s legs, the cameraman crouches down for his money shot.  The cameraman’s angle gave the viewer the best possible sight at how Anthony is able to achieve his unbelievable feat of being a successful wrestler, so successful that he became an undefeated senior, 3 times All-American and an NCAA champion.  The angle of the picture takes shows how packed the arena is where many eager fans came to watch Anthony wrestle. Also the angle shows how Anthony is angle to control his opponent so well and spring onto a leg for an almost guaranteed takedown.
            The focus of this shot was so precise that the main optical point goes straight onto Anthony but also gives you a clear view of the fans in the stands. The focus was out just far enough to know that this was a home meet because of the color of the Sun Devil Stadium chairs, and the scoring desk. Also the focus is just enough to see the reactions of the fans. Through this key picture taking skill the photographer was able to capture the entire atmosphere in a single picture.

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